Lakota Elders Truth Tour, NYC

Wagunpi Woashake Ikickupi (Lakota Elders Take Back Their Strength) is a grassroots movement to end the genocide of the Lakota people and support the full renewal of matriarchal leadership by Lakota Grandmothers on Pine Ridge and across the Lakota Nation.  The movement also works to educate non-Natives about the situation of the Lakota, mobilize long-term solidarity networks to benefit Lakota Elders, and build solidarity with other indigenous resistance movements worldwide.

April 8 | Indigenous Solidarity & Decolonization Training, Judson Church


Indigenous Solidarity and Decolonization Meeting, Judson Church


Professor Chanupa and Grandmothers

April 9 | International Day of Action: March to the UN

Dozens of people marched to the United Nations in solidarity with the Lakota Elders to present the “Official Lakota Oyate Complaint of Genocide Based on the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide*” to secretary general Ban Ki-Moon.



Charmaine White Face and Lakota delegation lead the march to the United Nations

Red Cry Screening


Pedro speaks


Leo speaks

For more information on screening Red Cry and what you can do to support the Lakota Grandmothers visit


Vanessa Lynch/Zorlu
LakotaEldersTruthTour on flickr

*[this document will be available online soon]

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